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Performance audit and evaluation of NIEA certified laboratories and sampling/analysis operation processes

The main purpose of this project is to promote quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) programs of certified laboratories issued by NIEA. Through laboratory programs and onsite inspection, proficiency evaluation (PE) samples and communicable conferences, supervision of certified laboratory management can be fully reinforced. Among 97 laboratories certified by NIEA, 53 laboratories, 17 onsite inspection, 50 PE samples (171 items) have been facilitated in this project. Two conferences and two inspection committee meetings also accommodates the goals of this project. The inspection result indicated that the QA/QC programs and management system in most certified laboratories were satisfactory. However, there are some minor mistakes and possible problems, which should be further monitored and corrected to ensure the overall environmental sample analyses. For air category, the 17 onsite inspection (9 stack and 6 ambient air) indicated that more than half stack sampling personnel understand sampling protocols, but not familiar with QA/QC requirements. Besides, the investigation of source characteristics and factors influencing stack gas sampling should be reinforced. The ambient air monitoring encountered major problems in instrument maintaining and inspection. Further supervision by NIEA on mobile ambient air monitoring station was suggested. Forty laboratory PE tests (150 items) were also conducted this year. In the air category (64 item), 25% unqualified result revealed a slightly improvement comparing to that of the previous year (28.2%). In water category (86 items), 23.3% unqualified result revealed a significant retrogress comparing to that of the previous year (10.7%).The laboratory operational management system in all kinds of categories were also assessed and evaluated in the inspection process. The QA/QC performances were also listed for air, water and drinking water categories for demonstration in conference. Continuous laboratory and field inspection was suggested to ensure the overall analysis quality
QA/QC, proficiency evaluation (PE)